Alarm Clocks
The first alarm clocks were designed by the mastermind Leonardo Da Vinci, clock makers in Germany and in other European locations. The alarm clock was made to strike every 12 or 24 hours.
Mechanical clocks were being made as early as the 13th century which means it is likely alarm clocks were available not long after that time. Alarm clocks are designed to strike far less often than hourly clocks so they have a level of simplicity about them.
The first American alarm clock was made by Levi Hutchins (1760-1855) in New Hampshire. Levi made his alarm clock ring at 4am, the hour he wanted to be woken up in the morning. The idea of the alarm clock was a change from the traditional way people were awakened in the morning which was by the sun or by the rooster.
-Inventor of the First American Alarm clock: Concord New Hampshire's Levi Hutchins (1761-1855)
-History of the Alarm Clock